ЖК Сегодня в Краснодаре

CG Artist
- Сергей Гильгенберг
3D Мodeler
- Александр Гильгенберг
3D Мodeler
- Антон Богдан
- Тигран Курдоглян
We use cookies to ensure that all functions work to efficiently navigate the page. To learn more about cookies, check out our Privacy Policy . By staying on our site, you accept this policy.
CloseThis policy describes the types of information we collect and the principles for its use and presentation.
Wind Channel LLC (the Administration of the Site) is committed to maintaining your privacy on the Internet. This Privacy Policy describes how your personal data is collected, processed and stored.
Last edit date: 06.07.2018
The Site Administration may collect the following information about the Site Users: p>
2.1.1. Information provided by the User independently, including personal data of the user.
Such data may be provided using a feedback form, such as Name (nickname), Email Address, Telephone Number.
2.1.2. Data that is transmitted automatically.
In this case, we can talk about IP, cookies, settings and settings of Internet browsers, the location of the user, his actions, etc. Unlike personal data, such information is impersonal, and therefore does not apply to the composition of personal data.
We use all the information we have in order to provide and support our Site.
The Site Administration does not transfer the personal data of the User to third parties.
We can transfer information about the User to third parties only if it is required: in order to comply with the law, the regulatory legal act, the execution of a court decision; to detect or prevent fraud; to eliminate technical faults in the site; to provide information on the basis of a request of the authorized state bodies.
Мы не используем персональную информацию пользователя для электронной рассылки новостей и спецпредложений, оформления и проведения торговой сделки и оказания услуг.
The Site Administration takes all measures to protect User data from unauthorized access, in particular: p>
Each User is entitled to edit the information provided.
Also, consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked by the User at any time.
To change or withdraw the information provided, please contact us online or by mail:
350038, Krasnodar, Kuznechnaya st., 234
The use of our Site assumes that you agree to the Privacy Policy agree to the processing of personal data.
Acceptance of the Privacy Policy is done by putting an appropriate mark “I consent to the processing of personal data” by you when filling out and sending a feedback form on our Site, and is your consent to the processing of personal data.
If you have any questions regarding this Policy, you can contact us in one of the following ways:
Contact Wind Channel LLC by Internet or by mail:
350038, Krasnodar, Kuznechnaya st., 234
We will notify you of changes to this Policy and give you the opportunity to check and comment on the revised policy before continuing to use our Site.
1. I (hereinafter referred to as the Individual) hereby give my consent to Wind Channel, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) for processing of my personal data specified at the time of the application filing on the Company's website or any other way of applying to the company (hereinafter referred to as the Application) and communication within the Application processing, as well as other related purposes within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the technical capabilities of the Company
2. Consent is given for personal data processing, both without automation tools use, and with their use.
3. Consent is given for processing of the following personal data: surname, name, patronymic, contact phone number, e-mail address, as well as other personal data that can be used for the Individual identification, in case if the Individual voluntarily provides it to the company.
4. For purposes of obligations fulfillment under the agreement the Individual provides Wind Channel, LLC with the right to carry out any actions (operations) with his (or her) personal data without restriction: collection, recording, accounting, systematization, storage, specification (updating, modification), extraction, accumulation, de-identification, blocking, removal, destruction; use for statistical purposes, for analysis purposes, for the purpose of the Individual informing (by sending SMS or e-mail) about the Company's products and services, as well as any other actions with due regard to the current legislation.
5. The bases for the personal data processing are the following items: Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”; other federal laws and regulatory legal acts.
6. Personal data are processed before liquidation of Sila Sveta, LLC. Storage of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts in the field of archiving and archive storage.
7. This consent of the Individual for processing of the personal data specified at the time of the application filing on the Company's website, sent (filed) using this website is effective from the moment of the Application sending on the Company's website until its revocation. Consent for processing of the personal data specified at the time of the application filing on the Company's website, sent (filed) using this website may be revoked by the Individual by filing a written statement (revocation) to the Company. Personal data processing is terminated within 2 months from the moment of the Person’s written statement (revocation) receipt by the Company and/or in the event of achievement of the processing purpose and is destructed on time and conditions established by law, unless otherwise specified. De-identified personal data of the Individual may be used by the Company for statistical (and other research) purposes upon receipt of the statement (revocation) of the consent, and after achievement of the purposes, for which this consent was obtained.
8. This consent is valid all the time until termination of the personal data processing specified in the clauses 6 and 7 of this Consent.
This website uses cookies that enable all functions to navigate the page in the most efficient way. If you do not want to accept persistent cookies, please select the appropriate settings on your computer. By continuing to navigate the site, you indirectly consent to the use of cookies on this website. More information is provided in our Privacy Policy.